With a grateful heart, I kneel before You, Lord, in prayer, thankful for all the happy years that I have spent as a parent to my children.
You have given me the strength and courage to endure all parenting challenges.
I ask you once again to bless me with Your Unconditional Love so that I can give the same kind of love to my children.
Give me the wisdom to treat each child with compassion and understanding.
Let me understand Your Good Plan for each of them and do it according to Your Will.
Let me not impose my own selfish goals to the detriment of my kids.
Give me the patience and diligence I need to mold them as God-fearing persons, who can contribute to the betterment of society.
I also pray that may You keep them safe and healthy in mind, body, and soul.
I lift this good parenting prayer to You, God,

Simple Prayer for Good Parenting
As a parent, I beseech You, Father of all people, to bless me with the virtues of a good parent.
May You shower me with love, wisdom and knowledge, in order for me to perform my parenting obligation successfully.
Grant me the Your omniscience to decide which method is best for each of my children.
I seek Your Unfailing Mercy and Love to guide me towards understanding my kids correctly.
Let me serve as a good example to them.
With Your Guidance, allow me to lead their paths to You.
I pray for Your Divine Wisdom to help them become Your instruments of peace and love wherever they go.
Allow them to find their proper niche in the sun where they could flourish and be good members of the community.
Give me the virtue of love and patience to help them be Christ-like people, who are kind and caring.
May You grant my prayer, Father.
You can also use this Prayers for Children’s Protection
If you want to know the 10 Commandments of Good Parenting, you can browse this article.