Father in Heaven, we come on bent knees before You to pray for the recuperation of our Sister in Christ, Minda.
We know that You are the ultimate healer and the Omnipotent Source of health and well-being and with You, no illness can defeat us.
Hence, we offer this prayer for the fast recovery of Minda.

She has set a perfect example of Your Kindness, Generosity, and Love through her actions towards others.
She constantly reminded us that kindness is something that one can always do.
She spread love and good cheer wherever she is, without complaining.
And through her, we had experienced the goodness of your Love and Generosity.
We are aware that You have sent an angel in our midst to bear witness to your valuable teachings.
So, in turn, we come before you Dear God, to pray that please heal her from all the illnesses and pains she is suffering from.
We pray for her good health so that she can continue being an instrument of your love.
May you bless us too by allowing our angel to continue to serve you and be a living example of your teachings.
Let our angel, Minda, spread more of Your teachings through her noble actions.
May she quickly recuperate and be well again so that she would be able to spread more the good word of Your Salvation and Love.
All these we pray in supplication.
This prayer is for Minda, who has touched our lives in one way or the other. Thank you, Minda, for being such an angel to all of us.
Should you want to read more healing prayers, you can read this: Prayers for Healing and Strength
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