God of Protection and Love, we offer this prayer for our children.
With Your Cloak of Fortification, may they be safe from harm and illnesses.
We thank you for all the years you have granted them a peaceful and loving haven.
Under Your protection, they have thrived and have grown well.
Once more, we seek Your Safe Refuge for our little ones.
Protect them from physical and emotional abuse.
Mold them into adults who will be instruments of love and peace.
May they be the salt of the earth enriching and inspiring others to emulate Your Good Examples.
Instill in them the zest for doing good deeds and be God-fearing citizens of the world.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray for our children’s protection,

A Prayer for Children’s Protection
Lord of Heaven and Earth, we come to You, seeking protection for our children.
You are the Protector of the Universe and with Your Cloak of safety, we are certain You would protect our children.
May you guide them to become pacifiers and unifying tools for the communities around them.
Grant them the wisdom of the Divine Spirit, so that they could spread Your Word of peace and unity.
Lead them to Your Righteous Path so that they will be paragons of virtue and goodness.
Instill in them the value of dedication and honesty in their dealings with other people.
As they grow up, Dear Lord, allow them to realize that without You, they will never be truly successful.
Give our children the right sense of direction and purpose in their thoughts, words, and actions.
Bestow upon them Your Formidable Protective Cloak to free them from abuse, violence, and exploitation.
You may use this Prayer for the Handicapped as well.
If you want to read more about how you can protect your children, you can browse this Child Protection article from UNICEF