As we fulfill our daily activities, Dear Lord, we pray
that you remain in our midst and protect us from
evil and untoward incidents.
May your Divine Cloak of Protection
Embrace us with love instead of hatred.
Let it be our refuge when we’re weary from daily life’s humdrum.
Let Your Powerful Presence in the things around us be a reminder
that You are always here with us in our mundane existence.

Allow us to become stoic and courageous in bearing our own cross
as you did in Calvary.
Give us the strength and patience to endure whatever You have in store for us every day.
Because we know that we can survive with You by our side.
We are certain that You will carry us when our burden is too much to bear.
May our daily actions and words bear witness to Your Goodness and Love.
So that people can see You in us and will be encouraged to welcome You in
their hearts as well.
Bless all people of the world, that each will find peace and love in their hearts
And pass these on to their families, friends and everyone around them.
May they realize that they can only do so, with You in their hearts and minds.
For without YOU, we can do nothing, Oh, God.
We pray also for world peace.
Grant the wisdom and knowledge to our leaders to see the importance of Your teachings.
We know that if we pray daily for all our activities, we can never go wrong.
With humble hearts, we implore you and hope for Your Daily Blessings.
The world is constantly changing. But sometimes, our daily activities don’t. Hence, we must also remember to pray for our daily activities to ensure that we get the best results. Like: How to Prepare for a Mathematics Examination
For more prayer, you may want to use this Free Prayer for the New Year.