All praises to You, Oh, Master of the Universe,
In repentance, I come to you to thank you for Your never-ending blessings.
May you forgive my iniquities and deliver me from the clutches of sin.
My sinfulness has drawn me away from you, Dear God.
Allow me to mend my ways and be conscious of all my actions and thoughts.
Let me realize that every person is precious and I should treat them with kindness and sincerity.
Remind me about the Golden Rule, which is to do to others what I want others to do to me.
My contrite heart sincerely regrets all the transgressions I have committed.
I have allowed my pride and greed to overcome me and strayed from Your Good Word.
I have hurt people with my cruel words and actions.
Merciful Father, I confess all these sins to You.
Forgive me for all the times I acted with enmity and unkindness.
For all those times I have neglected those who are in need.
I seek Your Mercy and Forgiveness.
May you forgive this sinful servant.
I trust in Your Boundless Love that is willing to embrace the imperfect me.
Bless me with the courage to make amends to those I did wrong and the humility to ask for their forgiveness.
As I travel my road to repentance, please bestow upon me Your Divine Spirit to cleanse me and guide me.
Help me grow in wisdom and virtue so that I can act as an instrument of Your Peace and Love.

Send Your Holy Spirit to give me the humility and courage to eschew sin and mend my broken relationships.
With Your Powerful Guidance, I know I can walk the path based on Your Will.
I humbly raise my prayer for repentance to You, Lord, knowing that with You, I can walk away from sin.
And that You would embrace me with Your boundless compassion and all-abounding love if I repent sincerely.
Thank you for being my safe haven despite the errors of my ways.
I repent all my evil ways and promise to walk in the path that leads back to You.
With a contrite heart, I seek Your forgiveness, Heavenly Father.
You may want to use this free Opening Prayer for Seminars as well.
You may want to know how to repent properly by reading these Principles of Repentance