Omnipotent Father, with a grateful heart, we come to you, seeking the Holy Spirit’s powerful presence and guidance. We pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to descend upon us.
God, through Your All-Abounding Love, we invoke the power of the Holy Spirit.
Oh, Holy Spirit and Divine Soul, who oversees heaven and Earth, bestow on us Your grace and comforting presence.
Fill our minds and hearts with Your enlightening ways and lead us to the path of love and concern for others.
Bestow on us all the gifts of wisdom, counsel and understanding, so that we would be able to discern the right path in all aspects of our lives.
Allow your knowledge to instill love through our words, thoughts, and actions.
Grant us the wisdom to make choices that will bear witness to your goodness and generosity.
Holy Spirit, give us your gifts of wisdom, piety, understanding, fortitude, and counsel.

Holy Spirit, we ask for your gift of reverence, so that we may approach you with hearts filled with awe and adoration.
Bless our communities and families with unity and harmony.
So that in moments of trial and tribulation, we will have the strength to endure and the courage to stand firm in our convictions.
Help us to recognize the sacredness of every moment and the beauty in every soul, for all are your creations.
May your presence heal divisions, mend broken relationships, and inspire forgiveness and reconciliation among us.
We pray for the world, beseeching you to bring peace, justice, and compassion to all nations.
Kindle a fire of love in the hearts of leaders and citizens alike, that they may work together for the common good, caring for the least among us and preserving the precious gift of creation.
Holy Spirit, we surrender ourselves to your divine guidance and transformation.
Fill us with your fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Holy Spirit, in Your Name, we offer this prayer.
Here is a Powerful Prayer for Financial Miracle
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