At this of my grief and loneliness, I pray to You, Beloved Father.
I offer you my grief, loneliness, and sorrow.
I know I have to endure these and concede according to Your Will.
With a hopeful heart, I willingly take up this yoke because I know, You will carry it for me.
My eternally grateful heart appreciates Your inspiring presence and all-abounding love.
Thank you for giving me hope and love in every way You can.
This stark darkness I am in will no longer be dark with Your brilliant light.
The grief and loneliness that ravage my weak soul and body will disappear as I pray and give homage to You, Dear God.
Keep reminding me that these depressing points in my life will mold and hone my character and strength.
Thus, with You being here, I can overcome this loneliness and grief.
I can bear all these with You, God, who strengthens me,

Prayer for Grief and Loneliness 2
Lord God my grief and loneliness are so devastating that I come to offer You this prayer.
I beseeched You, All-Encompassing Father, have mercy on this suffering soul of your child.
Please send down Your Enlivening Spirit to lift me up from my doldrums.
All I can see is darkness around me and I need Your Ray of Hope.
Please give me the strength and courage to overcome this grief and loss.
This loneliness is too much for me to bear.
I am broken, lost, and in despair.
May You grant me that sliver of sunshine to brighten my day.
Inculcate in my mind that with You, I can overcome anything.
Praise and Honor to You, God.
Here are Ways to Overcome Your Grief and Loneliness.
Boosting Your Child’s Self-Confidence can also lift him up from his despair and loneliness. You may want to learn how.