I have admitted and confessed my wrongdoings, Loving Father.
I recognize the errors of my ways and vow to remain on the path towards You.
Give me the courage and perseverance to walk a righteous path despite temptations and difficulties.
Send the Holy Spirit that I may be guided to live according to Your Divine Words.
Allow me to emulate Your exemplary life of peace and forgiveness for those who have wronged me.
Let my actions and words serve as a witness to Your Generosity and Unfailing love for people around me.
I seek Your Supernatural Strength too, Oh, God.
Give me the strength to resist sin and unworthiness.
The world is materialistic and full of temptations of the flesh, hence, let me realize that only treasures in heaven last forever.
As I live my earthly life, make me an instrument of your love and peace.

Prayer After Confession of Sins #2
I seek forgiveness from You, God.
My sinfulness and wayward ways have estranged me from Your Love.
I confess and acknowledge my transgressions.
With Your Unwavering Strength, I am confident that from hereon, I will be able to overcome my human frailty.
Guide me, so that I will not be drawn into sin again.
Please be there with me during times of temptations, so I can turn away from them with Your Unfailing Power.
In my life’s journey, bestow the resilience and strength of Your Divine Spirit that I will be able to show people around me the goodness of Your Forgiveness.
Let me be a good example for other sinners who want to repent and eschew their evil ways.
May I also forgive others who have done me wrong because only then will You forgive me.
Let Your Benevolence help me remain as an instrument of Your Love.
If you happen to be traveling, you could use this prayer, Prayer for Safe Travel
If you want to resist temptations, you can read this article, How Do I Resist Temptation?