How to Earn Extra Money This Christmas

Anywhere in this blob of a globe, economic recession is insidiously gnawing at the core of every susceptible nation. Not only third world countries are subjected now to this vicious onslaught, but also powerful nations, like the US and other European countries.

There is a feeling of hopelessness for some seedy characters that prods them to resort to ignoble means just to obtain – what to them – would be a “Merry Christmas”. For some, they feel sorry and dejected with their current financial situation that Christmas no longer holds any excitement. extra cash

But do you know that wallowing in a bind such as this one, or triumphing over it, is your choice? Yes, Christmas need not be unhappy, because the real meaning of Christmas is not about being financially well off. Having love and peace reign in your heart is the true spirit of Christmas.

Whether you accept it or not,  Christmas though has become so much commercialized that gift-giving is considered a “must”. Your friends would expect a gift – even if it’s only a gift card with a sweet note written from your deranged ramblings, (It’s the thought that counts.  What are friends for? lol). You definitely need extra cash to buy some and more. Cheer up! Nothing is too big a problem to an innovative mind. Spark your imagination!

Here are some ways to earn extra money this Christmas!

1. Sell personalized cards and Christmas decors

Before the Yuletide season, get those orders. You need not be an artist to do this. If you’ll make use of the computer for virtual cards , you’ll get much assistance from those computer gadgets online.

If you are to make actual ones, then all it takes is imagination and creativeness. Be daring to try out new themes and styles. Use shells, twigs, dry leaves, pebbles, flower impressions to prepare your cards. Look around you, there are numerous free materials you could make use of. With a cardboard and some glue, you’re good to go.

I personally know of someone who made Nativity scenes with old newspapers. He crumpled the newspaper into meaningful forms and splashed them with left over paint. They came out very unique and before he knew it, orders were flooding his door. This is because, they were very cheap and quite exotic.

You could be ingenious too, do not think this is beyond your ability.

2. Sell Christmas Raffle tickets.

You must have attractive raffle prizes. For example, selling a $ 2- $ 10 raffle ticket for a microwave oven- prize, is a good one. You could even opt to go big time; sell the tickets for $100 each and have a refrigerator for a prize is one example; or $ 200 each, for a car prize.

Be sure to prepare sufficient raffle tickets though, to cover the cost and simultaneously allow you to earn some money.

3. Sell homemade cookies.

Everyone loves homemade cookies. This is because they are delicious as compared to the commercially prepared ones. If you know how to turn an oven on and off then purchase a good cookbook and start cooking. Arrange ten (10) pieces each in cellophanes and wrap them with Christmas wrappers and presto, you have a gift bag ready.
You would be surprised at how it would sell like hotcakes when you bring them to work.

4. Buy and sell

Buy Christmas materials in bulk and sell them in retail. Not everyone will be ordering 2 Christmas trees or a dozen lights, etc. Buy them by the dozen and sell them per piece to your co-workers. You should buy them in advance so that you would be certain your co-workers have not purchased them yet.

Books could also be bought in bulk, and given as a gift. This would save on shipping fees.  I personally recommend a book by a good friend and a power 50 member – Holly Jahangiri.   Her wonderful book – A Guppy not a Puppy– is out already, and would be on tour from December 9 to December 15.

Do drop by on December 15 because this site would be the host.

5. Work overtime.

As is customary, overtime work should be” double your pay”. But if this is not possible then, have sidelines at work; like moonlighting as a secretary or cashier or librarian. There are lots of sideline jobs you can do within 2-3 hours. What about baby-sitting?

6. Sell your old books. Sell your own book.

Check your collection of books. There will always be something to be discarded /sold. There are several internet sites which buy old books, like ebay.  These sites even refund your money for the mailing/and or shipping.

If you are successful NaNoWrimo writers, like Doc Zorlone,  and Anne ( congratulations guys) –  then you could edit that soon-to-be blockbuster manuscript of a novel and have it published. You could give J.K. Rowling a run for her money!

7. Be an online, freelance writer .

There are several sites which are accepting contributions specifically for the Holiday seasons. You could write about :”How to Save on Christmas Wrappers”, “How to Recycle Christmas Cards”, “Gifts for Teenage Girls” and many more pertinent topics.
If you have a blog, you would be surprised at how you could earn good money in blogging about products of advertisers. The requirement for a blog is that, it should be at least 3 months old and has good traffic.

You could also write reviews. There are also forums that pay for your participation, like Mahalo endorsed by the trusted IM DiTesco, but be careful of scam sites. Do some googling of those you want to join to ensure that these are legal.

You can earn money online. This is not impossible to accomplish with a determined mind. If there’s a will there’s a way. As Master Jedi Yoda said: ” Do, there is no try.”

8. Participate in contests

The Christmas season heralds various contests online and offline. Take active participation. Here is an example:

$1000 for The Best of the Best Famous Bloggers Contest  by Hesham

These are only a few of what you can do to earn some extra cash.  I know you could still be much more ingenious than I am.  Do a little research about what people in your neighborhood need more these holiday season, and provide that need for some extra cash.

On the same note, I would like to announce that the book :”Inspirational Stories from All Over the World” has undergone some revisions (again) and has been  re-printed.  It would be a welcome sight, next new year – on January.  Hopefully, they would find their way to local bookstores. Book-signing would be a dream come true.

Do you know that  the first novels of Dan Brown had been rejected several times?  But look at him now,  the famous author of  Da Vinci Code .

Never give up on your dreams.  If you keep at it, you’ll succeed .

Are there other methods that you know of? Feel free to share yours.  Let’s  be generous this Christmas!

Happy holidays!

41 thoughts on “How to Earn Extra Money This Christmas”

  1. Very Interesting…. I’ll try to sell Christmas Items online, hmmm. If have time. Busy with the preparations for the newest member of the family and with my year end report at the office.

  2. Nice entry here, Ms. Jena.

    Anyway, I am selling toylights at night in the streets of Tanauan, Batangas.

    An yes, we can say that Christmas is one the best seasons to venture into business.

  3. And if all the people out there can not still figure out how to make an extra income after reading this, then I do not know what else they would need. All doable possibilities indeed. Way to go…

    • Thanks Walter. If you’re interested, I’m inviting you to be a guest writer for the next Inspirational Book Issue for year 2010. I have visited your blog and I’m impressed with your posts. All the best.

  4. You can also use your blogs to promote some of the many products that would make good Christmas gifts.

    But in the long run, even if you do not make exactly what you were planning, be thankful for all the good you have in your life, and keep in mind what Christmas is really all about.

    • Hello Sire,

      Yes, that’s right. Thanks for pointing that out. I would definitely do that. I’m selling our Inspirational book at the side bar of this blog. All the best.

  5. About buy and sell. You’ve forgotten about cooking and selling food dishes. December – lots of parties and some people have no time to cook dishes themselves. Do you think with a little push there’s a market for balut in Texas? After all, we’ve already had a toehold in the Jahangiri household – a little shaky but a toehold nevertheless. Thanks to William and his fearless mom. Ahehehe.

  6. He he he , come to think of it, Jan. Indeed, we could have a market for balut in the Jahangiri household…William and Holly.

    While we’re at it, do you think Holly would like to try Buro and William the sisig dish? lol.

    Now, you’re The man , to let that happen.

  7. I really like these ideas. I’ve seen bloggers sell things from their blogs, Flickr and in forums. If you’re well known and people trust you, you can easily sell second hand items and handmade items without paying any fees.

  8. Now this is interesting, to actually earn some bucks instead of spending it. ^^ Selling homemade cookies and self-made greeting cards is a good one. I hope I could bake or cook well so some people can order from me though. lol.. Perhaps some day I’ll spare some time practising. Are you used to making any crafts?

    Happy holidays! Enjoy these handy tips, RT-ed!

    Social/Blogging Tracker

  9. Hi Ching,

    I’m not good with my hands, and I have no cooking skills, he he he..but I’ve personally witnessed people earn much from these. Their goods would sell like pancakes at work.

    I wish I could bake and cook well too. Thanks for the RT and all the best.

  10. Great article, Jena! You have several items on your list that I would never have thought of. I also love Yoda. 🙂

    I really can’t wait until I have time to get into Mahalo. I can see that next year we will both be participating fully and interacting there as well as the blogging and Twitosphere! Want to buy some cookies? 😉

  11. Lol, Heather, sure. If you could send them asap, I will. I need a midnight snack right now…he he he…blogging into the early dawn, can’t sleep yet due to extreme exhaustion.

    I need those “Heather cookies” to bring me back to life and be happy…lol

  12. Hi Jena,

    I have lots of books here at home. Maybe I could try the eBay stuff.. hehe.. 😉

    I’ve been a busy bee with freelance writing and that could help me earn money this holiday season, hehe:) Missed you!!!!

  13. First, I have to say Thank You for the mention ~ oh, I really need to start the revision of my book. 🙂 Maybe Doc Z could start writing his own line of romantic greeting cards.

    We sell farm fresh eggs and have sold the last of our chickens [we had to cull a few of our roosters a few months back]. Next year we hope to expand our garden and sell any excess.

    Another thing I notice people doing is having yard sales and selling items they purchased super cheap or even free. A few people have remodeled rooms from the proceeds, too. The possibilities are endless.

    • Hi Anne,

      Selling fresh, farm eggs is a good venture. Everyone would buy eggs. especially that they’re fresh. Yes, I didn’t think of that – yard sales! Thanks for the contribution.

      I look forward to the completion of your novel. Good luck.

  14. Kelangan ng lots of extra money para sa mga inaanak at pamangkin ngayung pasko, eheheh!

    Pwede kayang magbenta ng personalized xmas card mam na mukha ko ang design sa harap? Mabenta po kaya un? LOL!


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