Starting your School Foundation Day with a prayer is always the perfect way to begin the activity. Below is a simple prayer you can use.
On this momentous event of our Foundation Day, Almighty God,
We stand before you with our grateful and united hearts in a common quest for academic excellence.
May You shower us with Your Blessings and generosity as we commemorate this auspicious day.
All throughout the year, You have provided wisdom and dedication to our faculty members, mentors, school administrators, and th staff of the various departments to render their utmost services to everyone without prejudice.
Lord God, we acknowledge the vital role of education in our lives, hence, allow us to share the knowledge we gained for the greater good of our community.

Guide all educational institutions around the globe, so they can become beacons of light in this world.
Grant us the persistence and patience to be lifelong learners, continually seeking wisdom, truth, and understanding in all of our endeavors.
We also pray that unity and peace exist in our communities and that everyone would have the chance for a better education.
Bequeath to every school personnel the Holy Spirit of Love and respect.
Bless our educators that they will have the patience and competent knowledge to educate our students holistically.
So that our students can have the courage in sharing their skills and knowhow to make a difference in this world.
Give them the courage to fulfill their dreams and become the God-fearing trendsetters in their respective fields.
We raise our prayer for our school’s foundation day to You, Omnipotent Savior.
May You Bless today and the ensuing days to come.
You may want to use this free Prayer for Graduation
You could also read this related school topic, What Teachers Should Teach Their Students.