College professors usually remember two types of students: those who are exceptionally intelligent and those who are foolishly ‘dumb’. If you decide to make yourself stand out in college, then there is no option for you but to perform your best. The following are pointers to help you achieve your goal.
1. Create a big impression during the first day of class.
There is a grain of truth in the cliché that ‘first impressions last.’ This does not mean that you should attract attention, in whatever way you can. You should earn the respect and positive curiosity of your professor and classmates on the very first day of classes.
Be pro-active. Be interested in whatever anyone has to say. Read in advance about the subject matter. Professors would surely be able to determine if a student had read in advance about the topic. Answer questions when they are asked and ask intelligent questions related to the topic at hand.
2. Be an honor student.
Get the highest scores in your exams. If you cannot achieve a 100% score, then be ranked 1. Be the top scorer. Of course, this can only be done when you work hard for it. Managing your time and studying conscientiously and wisely would be enough. Studying every day is a good practice. Cramming would, most of the time, bring disaster and mental block.
Persistence and diligence are the keys to an excellent academic standing. You need not have an IQ of 152 and above. Studying conscientiously and wisely would be enough. If at first, you just cannot get anything in your mind and you get low scores. Do not be discouraged. Stick to your daily schedule. As you become used to it, you will find it easier as you acquire the habit. Remember that Rome was not built in a day!

3. Participate in extracurricular activities.
If there are organizations that are mandated or non-mandated, participate actively in your areas of interest. There are clubs for stage plays, choral groups, dance troupes, debating teams, achievers’ clubs, and many more. Do not belittle your potential by putting limits on your capabilities. “Do, there is no try.” “What the mind can conceive the body can achieve.” These are famous slogans by great people, Yoda and Guevara. Do not think you do not have talents for these activities. These are skills that you can learn when you are determined and patient.
Become a class officer, then a college officer, and finally a university officer.
4. Be well-behaved.
People always remember well-behaved students, and yes, they admire well-behaved students, especially if they are smart. Good behavior sometimes overshadows intelligence when it comes to traits people could appreciate the most. Be well behaved and you will stand out in college.
Helpfulness is also appreciated by a college student. If you are helpful to others: fellow students, teachers, and visitors, your name will be on everyone’s lips. If you are good in class but selfish, rude, and ill-mannered you will come out notorious. Your dastardly deed will be embellished in everyone’s heart with content. Would it not be better if you were revered as some sort of saint and loved by many as the years go by?
5. Be the life of the party.
Instead of crouching in one corner, and keeping to yourself during parties, circulate and make friends. Sometimes, some people are extremely shy. Go out of your way and make them comfortable. If you are a freshman, it is even more imperative that you go around making friends. Just remember that people do not want to listen to how good you are. They want to tell you about themselves. Be a good listener. Talk less and listen more.
These are some of the methods that you could use to make yourself stand out in college. Standing out is not really that difficult. All it takes is a positive attitude and a determined mindset. Stand out and be recognized but do not forget to enjoy college life too.
One important thing to remember is that there are no truly dumb students. There are only variations, paces, and styles of learning. One student may learn quickly within minutes and another may learn within weeks. But both will surely learn, So, if you are the latter then be patient, you will surely achieve your goal in the end.
Here’s a Simple Class prayer you can use in your classes. Short Prayer for Classes
If you’re an educator, you can also get education pointers and browse these articles to learn more. Here’s an article on How to Prepare a Table of Specifications for exams.