Let’s bow our heads and ask for God’s blessings.
Lord, it’s Christmas time once again, and we’re gathered here in your name.
May you bless this event so that love and camaraderie can prosper.
May you allow each participant to experience the generosity of your love.
May we realize that the true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of your birthday.
May we unite as one in our dreams and aspirations for your greater glory.
May you also bless those who are not present here today, and grant them peace and love.
Grant us your Divine Wisdom, so that when we leave this venue, we can spread your
all-abounding love through our actions and thoughts.
May you bless the hands of those who have prepared the scrumptious food on our table, and the organizers and participants of this Christmas party, as well.
All these we ask in your mighty name.