Prayer for Healing for COVID

Dear God, we kneel before you to ask for healing.

Heal us from this deadly virus.

Let the suffering of our sick reach you,

Bless them so that they will have the Divine Grace to persevere;

with the thought that it will pass and be gone with your generous blessings.

Grant that the sick get all the support and love they need during these trying times.

May they gain strength and fortitude from your Divine Spirit.

May they offer their sufferings in your name.

We beseech you to bless them, so they can withstand the pain.

Please let them get well so they can go back to their families,

Who are eagerly and patiently waiting for them.

Bless our frontliners all over the world, the health workers, the police force, the government workers, and all other persons helping to fight this pandemic

Bless our unsung heroes, who are continuously fighting this pandemic in the frontlines. Give them the strength, stamina, and good health, so they could continue with their noble endeavor.

Bless everyone too, who are in their homes, patiently fighting their own battles to survive.

Let everyone realize that during these troubled times, unity is needed in the whole world.

Let us become better persons in these dire times.

Allow us to realize that we need one another to be able to survive.

Thank you for the generous blessings you continue to shower us with.

Thank you for giving us the Divine Spirit to keep going.

We pray that you continue to be with us while we fight back and live our lives, according to your will, even amidst this pandemic.

May you grant us our prayers, amen.

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