Phillip Phillips Talks about Winning and His Girlfriend (Video)

Phillip Phillips, American Idol winner, talks about how he felt when Ryan Seacrest announced he was the winner of the season.

In an interview on Jay Leno, when asked about what his thoughts were when he was singing, “Home,” his signature song. Phillip said he was not really thinking about the song, but seeing the rest of the American Idol finalists made him realize what he went through.

The audience laughed when he added that when Ryan Seacrest gave the guitar, he thought,” I don’t know how to play the guitar…”I was shocked…” He just wanted to take it all in. You can watch more of the interview on the Jay Leno Show.

In a separate interview with Ryan Seacreast, Ryan asked what his parents said to him when he went down to them crying. Phillip replied that his parents and family hugged him and said:

“We love you and we’re so proud of you.”

Phillip revealed that his parents said they knew it would happen, but Phillip said, he didn’t.

One can notice from Phillip Phillips’ expression, after the announcement, that he was totally shocked, which he freely admits whenever being interviewed.

He was humble in victory, heaping praises too on his co-competitor American Idol runner-up, Jessica Sanchez. How could anyone not love this young boy from Georgia?

When Ryan asked if his girlfriend ever got jealous, he said, she was used to it, and that “she was very supportive.” Lots of young girls out there would surely feel sad that Phillip is already taken.

Meanwhile, Jessica Sanchez disclosed that she was happy with Phillip Phillips winning American Idol 2012. “He deserves it.” Adding Phillip worked the hardest among the finalists, in spite of his kidney illness.

Fans in America and all over the globe should follow the example of their idols, instead of bashing each other out on social media sites. It’s time they should unite and wish both their idols success in their careers, because they’re both superbly talented performers.

After their short but exhilarating ride on American Idol season 11, World,  let’s all welcome the two new singing sensations, Phillip Phillips and Jessica Sanchez.

Phillip Phillips interviewed by Ryan Seacrest

Video Credit: /YouTube

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