Swimsuits for Older Women

Women tend to grow heavier as they grow older, so it is only understandable that they would prefer swimsuits that would make them appear slimmer. Selecting a slimming swimsuit is a daunting task as body figures may vary as to fullness. The propensity for older women is to grow rounder at the lower half of the body. Some may have fullness in other body parts though, like at the legs or the arms.

Photo by Alaskan Dude

This is not of course, an impossible task because it can be done although it is difficult, because there are ways to solve the dilemma with the use of swimsuits which would present a slimmer visual picture.

Be aware of what part of your body needs “trimming”. Do you have a bulging tummy? Are you shorter in frame? Are you big-chested?

The following are pointers in selecting a swim suit that could flatter your figure:

If you have a fuller frame, select swim suits which have vertical patterns. Wear something that fits;  not a swimsuit that bulges at the seams. The slimmer look can be achieved by selecting those with “tummy panels.”  Belts also give the impression of slimness. A black swimsuit also makes you appear slimmer.

If you’re flat-chested, use a suit that has an underwire or padding. You can also make your bust area appear larger by choosing those with horizontal designs.

If your buttocks are large, do not buy a suit that is too small. If it’s too tight, it will make you appear even stouter. Use a swim suit that does not draw attention to your buttocks. A well covered bottom would avoid drawing attention to it. Make use of bright colored tops instead to minimize attention to your buttocks.

If you want to let your waist appear slimmer, use something with a sash on it. There are suits that have a built in tummy tucker. You could use this to hide your bulges in the abdominal area.

If you want your chest to appear smaller you can avoid focus on it by adding some accessory that will not draw attention to it, like a bare back, or a blooming skirt. Color would also make you appear shorter or taller. You should use lighter colors for the body parts that you don’t want to emphasize.

If you’re short, all you have to do is use a skimpy bikini, like two-pieces, or strings. As previously mentioned do not use those with vertical designs as it will make you appear shorter and those that expose more of your legs.

If you are tall for comfort, then make use of vertical designs to shorten your appearance.

Remember not to worry too much about looking good. You should understand that looking good comes from your being confident about yourself no matter how you look physically. Being sexy is a state of the mind. If you feel sexy then people will look at you as sexy.

So what are you waiting for? Stop worrying, grab that appropriate swimsuit and enjoy your swim.


  1. hello jena!……..whenever i visit the beach, i can see what you mean "Be aware of what part of your body needs “trimming”. Do you have a bulging tummy?" lots of people with bulges make me wonder if they are wearing the right outfit for them but, no matter what happens, i do not think i can ever imagine an 80+ year old wearing a swimsuit! lol! 🙂

    • he he he,

      Well, I can't wear a swimsuit even if I'm not 80 yrs. old yet. lol…two piece can do for me….ha ha ha…kidding. We can always hide bulges. lol

  2. lol! agreed jena! ………if i wear trunks, people who see me would cry incessantly! lol!….we can hide bulges, but mine are too big, should i slice them off? lol! tc jena! 🙂

  3. It's also a good idea to try on a bathing suit at home whenever possible. The mirrors in dressing rooms tend to be quite unflattering. I opted for a tankini myself with a short skirt on the bottom. I also have another that I hope to get into and be able to pull off this summer. My fingers are crossed. 🙂

    • Hello Anne, home mirrors, yes , that's a good idea. I've never heard of tankini. Perhaps I can try it too…lol…I might look slimmer….lol Thanks for that invaluable information.

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