The X Factor Australia reality TV show featured Psy’s Gangnam Style, with Judge Melanie Brown performing the horseback riding dance steps with – none other than the Gangnam style master himself – Psy.
Psy performed Gangnam on the X Factor Australian stage amidst the din of screaming fans. The Gangnam craze has invaded Australia as well.
After Psy’s performance, Melanie Brown, commonly called Mel B, on the X Factor show, went on stage to dance with Psy. She was selected by viewers to dance the global dancing craze. Mel performed the horse dance so well that the studio audience roared with approval.
She said to Psy: “You’re a legend.”
Mel B is from the popular group, The Spice Girls, and had been in the music scene since 1994. Her dance moves last week, was also proof that she could dance even the Gangnam style.
Below is the YouTube video of Psy performing Gangnam Style, and later, joining him to dance on stage was X Factor Australia judge Mel B.
Is it just me or am I the only one that finds Gangnam Style so annoying, seriously it has to be one of those tunes that has only been written for countries outside of the country it was written for.
But I may be wrong and the kids love it (ooo that makes me sound a right old woman lol)
You find it annoying? 😀 . Well, not everyone would like it. Cheers.