Why ABS-CBN Is the Better Network than GMA 7: A Mother’s Opinion

Posted on January 7, 2013


Why ABS-CBN Is the better network than GMA 7? ABS-CBN is the better network because of various reasons that could be explained in two simple words: “lessons learned.”

Although, GMA 7 has been reportedly ranked as the Top National TV Network by Nielsen, ABS-CBN is the better network due to the following reasons:

Children learn from audio-visual presentations, and one of these is television. In a study conducted by C. Kay Weaver and Cynthia Carter, American TV has been influenced by something the TV station sells. This fact should make local TV networks aware that they may be more concerned about what they sell and not what they can “teach” TV viewers. ABS-CBN primetime shows are more kid-friendly than GMA 7’s.

Kids and TV
Kids and TV, Image credit: Aaron Escobar

There was a scene where an adult held a knife onto the neck of a girl, in one of GMA 7’s series. The show was labeled as one where parental guidance is needed, but it was aired during a time that kids would surely be watching.

Are parents solely responsible in protecting their children from TV violence? It should be a collective effort from all sectors of society with the parent taking the major responsibility – BUT everyone should help; media, church and the government.

The media outlets have a great responsibility in this aspect because kids learn more quickly from these resources. Producers and directors of shows on TV should take the high road and act as a bridge to foster and develop good traits in the young. Violence should not be one of them. There should be no hair-pulling among kids, no bullying, no evil plotting of family members against each other, and no violence to kids.

#Kids usually learn more lessons in life –using non-violent means – through ABS-CBN 2 shows, than GMA 7’s. Yes, GMA 7 shows are more watched because of the twisted and more controversial plots, which excite TV audience, but at the end of the day, my kids learned more moral lessons from ABS-CBN 2.

A conversation I had with my kid:

 “Why did you pull her hair?”

“I saw it on TV, that’s what you do when you get mad.” (She was watching a GMA-7 series.)

Writers could take the high road and depict on TV that settling differences can be done by talking it out, instead of using violence.

#ABS-CBN 2 gives a clear demarcation line between good and evil. Children learn whether an act is good or not.

#ABS-CBN’s stories provide several lessons in life, especially for kids.

An article from ordinary people, like Justin Swapp, talks about “The Effect of Violence on Children,” and Nicholas Chase talks about “Violence on Television: Can it be stopped?

This post was written based on the personal observation of a mother who oversees the TV exposure of her kids to both GMA-7 and ABS-CBN 2 channels.