The predictions for the Bottom 2 contestants on the American Idol 2013 results show for April 18, 2013, are Janelle Arthur and Amber Holcomb. Predicted to be going home is Amber Holcomb.
The prediction is based on their previous performances on the American Idol stage last Wednesday, April 17, 2013. Their performances were good but those of Candice Glover, Kree Harrison and Angie Miller were simply stellar. It is also based on the unofficial votes the Top 5 girl-contestants got from this site.
Candice Glover earned a standing ovation from the 4 judges: Nicki Minaj, Mariah Carey, Randy Jackson and Keith Urban for her rendition of Mariah Carey’s “When You Believe.”
Amber Holcomb is predicted to be voted off because she was usually in the Bottom 2 in previous results.
Would this prediction come true?
Check back for updates tonight on the American Idol 2013 Results Show on April 18, 2013.