Elise Testone’s Final Words After Elimination from the Top 6 Finalists of American Idol 2012

Elise Testone
Image Credit:Americanidol.com/Facebook Page

Elise Testone’s final words after her elimination from the Top 6 Finalists of the reality TV show American Idol 2012 were somewhat nostalgic and sad.

She expressed what she felt about leaving American Idol:

“I guess I’m just programmed to move forward and just think what I need to do to get prepared for the next adventure, and  I guess I’m just a little sad to leave everyone  and a little excited for what’s gonna happen next.”

Her best part of the American Idol experience:

“The best part about being in the show is all the different bonds you formed with everyone, and also with learning about yourself, you know all the lessons that I’m picking up. This whole journey has been about learning about myself and how I react to different situations.  And learning about other people and rocking with them.”

About performing on the American Idol stage:

“Performing on the America Idol stage is an opportunity, that isn’t handed  to everyone and I was grateful every week to be able to do it,  and I always just wanted to do justice to anything I get to do onstage because I know I’m so lucky…”

What would she miss?

“What I miss the most is all the people I see every day. You get so used to seeing other people…”

“So just missing having a creative influence over what’s going on, and feeling like someone who could …anyone could turn to if they’re having  problems, you know with the other contestants… I’m gonna miss the other American idol…”

Elise Testone’s parting words to her fans.

“…and to the Elise the most important part thing I’ve learned about my life is to always follow your heart and by doing that, you need stay true to yourself. Always do your best. Don’t waste any time… Thank you for inspiring me… so I hope I’ve inspired you back.”

We say goodbye to another talented American Idol 2012 hopeful. For sure, Elise would move forward with her singing career because of her great singing voice.

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