Colton Dixon had a Live Q & A via Rhapsody at 4 pm EST, March 5, 2013. The 7th American Idol placer answered questions from fans.
Apparently, fans enjoyed the chat because of these reactions:
“Peeps, it’s been fun! Thanks so much for hanging! Follow @Rhapsody to stay connected with the music world! Much Love! –@coltondixon”
One fan asked who was Colton’s favorite character in “The Walking Dead,” and Colton replied:
“Darryl is awesome. Hershal is great. Glenn is great. Rick was my fav until he went all loony on us…. still great though.”
Rhapsody @Rhapsody
So did we! Thanks Colton!! RT @jenn_loves_rob: Loved the @coltondixon chat with @Rhapsody 🙂 thank you!!!
Rhapsody should initiate more live chats with other American Idol stars. Fans would appreciate this. It would make them more connected with their Idols.
Colton Dixon’s live chat on Rhapsody is, indeed, a success. You can listen to his “A Messenger” Album HERE.