What Drives Men Away, Part 2: How to Get Your Man Back

You may have tried different ways on how to make your ex boyfriend want you back but you only ended up looking desperate. If you want to win him back, the number one rule is not to make yourself look pathetic. You should stop begging for his attention and asking for a second chance. You must also not approach all his friends just to get their support.

If you are determined to get him back, you should have a plan. Stop all your desperate moves and instead, think about all your steps and analyze the consequence of each.

Step #1: Go on with your life.

Although it is true that you want your ex back, you should not give him the impression that you cannot live without him. This is a big turn off to guys. Men want girls who are hard to get and they want to be the one chasing after girls and not the other way around. One effective step on how to make your ex boyfriend want you back without looking pathetic is to show that your life goes on even after the break up. Pick yourself up after the heartache and go on with your life. Do not dwell on the negative feelings brought about by the failed relationship. Instead, go out with your friends and reconnect with the rest of the world. After all, life should continue with or without your boyfriend.
men and relationships

Step #2: Make him miss you

Your ex broke up with you because he wants space. If this is the reason, so be it. Give him want he wants. When finding the ways on how to make your ex-boyfriend want you back, you should keep a sense of mystery. Let him think why you suddenly stopped harassing him. Do not send any text message, email or note for a few days to weeks. The space you provide will make him miss you. Soon, he will have the urge to check on you and when that happens, you have to be ready to show your new self.

Step #3: Rebuild the relationship

Now that you have successfully made him miss you, the next step to do on how to make your ex boyfriend want you back is to rebuild the relationship. Slowly enter his life again without him knowing your hidden motive. Make him comfortable by showing that you are no longer after the commitment. The secret on how to make your ex boyfriend want you back is to start the new relationship in friendship. Go out on a friendly date like watching concert together or just hanging out together. But do not make the mistake of imposing rules that as if you are the girlfriend. Let him enjoy your company. He will soon realize that your relationship is worth for another try.

Stalking your ex, sending endless messages or begging on his knees are never effective ways on how to make your ex boyfriend want you back. These pathetic techniques will only drive him away. Instead follow the steps above and for sure, you can win him again without looking desperate in his eyes.

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