Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr. have finally met face to face for the first time during the Miami Heat and Milwaukee Bucks game on January 27, 2015.

The expected Pacquiao vs Mayweather fight that has been scheduled on May 2015 seemed to be going nowhere when the two boxing icons met during the game.
Their bout is the most anticipated boxing fight that millions of fans around the world wish they could watch.
Pacquaio said the ball is on Mayweather’s court but Mayweather made no declarations about the issue.
In the video, Mayweather seemed to be saying something displeasing to the Pacman, because Manny’s face was unsmiling and one can observe that he was trying hard to keep a straight face. They shook hands though, and Manny patted Mayweather’s shoulder as they parted ways.
Manny Paquiao later said that Floyd has given him his number. Hopefully, the fight of the century will push through for the sake of avid boxing fans.
Watch the video courtesy of Adrien Boner and try to lip read them. What was Pacquiao saying?
What did Mayweather say to him that his face was a mask of thunder?