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While it is good that we as parents help our child choose a college course –How to help your Child choose a College Course, it should not stop there. In fact, it’s just the beginning and there are more pressures ahead. This is because college is a totally different world and our child may not be ready with their transformation to adulthood. Children at this age are more prone to danger and temptation will be higher. Below are some of them that we should be aware of.

Unsafe surroundings

University belt is a jungle where there are different kinds of beasts that are just waiting for the right timing to eat your child alive. Although your child can still meet true friends, there are more unknown enemies. Drugs, violence and sexual harassment are just a step away. Fraternities and sororities are social groups that can promote brotherhood. However, not all of them are serving the real purpose. You must be very watchful.

College pressure

Entering college is not a joke. Although it looks fun when your child is exploring his newly found lifestyle, there is a lot of pressure your child will face. Thesis, projects, and tons of term papers can be nightmares to your precious child. Parents who did not experience to enter college may not understand this, but using parent instinct can help them. Moral support is what they need most.

Intimate relationships

This is also the time when your child can enter into a deep relationship. There are two dangerous situations our child may experience; a serious heartache or early parenthood. Most boys hide their emotions so you must be a keen observer. Some girls give their body and soul to prove they love a guy, especially now that pre-marital sex is rampant. However, trust should always be there. Overprotecting your child is also unhealthy.

Family problems

There will always be some problems within the family and your child is now old enough not to be affected. If this will be the case, his school performance will also suffer. Times like this, the whole family must be calm when dealing such. It is important for our child to understand that there is no such thing as perfect family. Neglecting his studies will be an added problem. You should teach your child how to be mature enough and accept that life is not always fair.

Money matters

Tuition fees and other school expenses are getting higher each year and we cannot stop it. Sometimes, our best may not be good enough to support him financially. Teaching your child how to handle money is very important. If your child knows how to choose the right friends, he can still enjoy his youth without hurting your pocket. Practical spending is a must. If your child wants to be a working student, make sure his studies will still be his priority.

College life is the last step towards a better future. But it is just the first step to the real world.


Guardian Angel of- Happy Family Matters is a Filipino engineer who found himself more comfortable in writing letters instead of numbers, and interacting with humans rather than machines. For more effective parenting tips, successful marriage tips and other family issues, please feel free to visit his blog at Happy Family Matters


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