Blog Engage Sponsors $500 USD Guest Blogging Contest, and another $1000 USD as the Year Ends

I don’t usually join online contests because my perception is that they’re not worth my time. Things have changed though, when I came upon this awesome Guest Blogging Contest at Blog Engage.

The prizes are just too “big” to ignore. Imagine, being $250, $150 or $100 richer after the contest?

I still have the chance to win $1000 as the year ends, as well.

Where can you chance upon such huge prizes online?

Only at Blog Engage.

Blog Engage the Biggest Blogging Community

Blog Engage is one of the biggest blogging communities online. It has awarded these prizes five times in a row, as of this date.  Presently, it opened its sixth $500 Guest Blogging Contest this September 17, 201. This is now my chance to win those much-coveted prizes.

If you are a blogger, you could join me; more entries- more fun. You and I could shoot two birds with one stone; we could maximize our blog’s exposure and earn money for it.

Blog Engage, through its founder, Brian Belfitt, has sponsored the contest every 45 days and had already awarded prizes to bloggers like Holly Jahangiri, Hajra, Abhi Balani, and Justin Germino.

Awesome Prizes

I want my name on this privileged list as well, so I decided to join, this 6th guest blogging contest.  The prizes that would be given out are:

1st Place – $250 USD
2nd Place – $150 USD
3rd Place – $100 USD

$1000 for the best Guest Blogger at the end of the year.

The 6th Blog Engage guest blogging contest has started last September 17, 2012 and the deadline for submission is October 17, 2012. The promo period will end November 2, 2012.

Contestants are allowed to promote their post in social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other platforms.

Here are other benefits of the contest:

#1 –Participating in Blog Engage is one of the best methods to promote your blog

Your blog’s exposure is maximized as you interact online with other bloggers, newbies and pro-bloggers alike, in your field of interest.  You can gain new readers, who are active and who are willing to participate in promoting your blog.  You get the most exposure for your blog in the most engaging blogging community.

#2 – You can sign up for free when participating in the Blog Engage guest blogging contest

Blog Engage offers 5 membership options. The sign-up fee is minimal, only $19.99, or $9.99 per month for the platinum, $19.99 per month for the business, $29.99 per month for the business plus, and $99.99 for the direct to front page subscriptions.  A minimal fee in exchange of the awesome benefits mentioned in this list. If you’re still hesitant to bring out cash, then you can join the Blog Engage guest blogging contest to be signed up for free. You could receive cold cash too if you win. Is anything better than that?

#3 –RSS syndication and Google AdSense Revenue Sharing

Your content is automatically syndicated, and you get vital backlinks to your post depending on your subscription.  Blog Engage is also a Revenue Sharing Community so you can post your Google AdSense on your articles and share with the revenue your articles earn. It’s a win-win situation.

There are still numerous benefits in participating in Blog Engage’s guest blogging contest, like gaining new friends, enhancing your online skills, and other learning endeavor that you could derive from it.

As Master Jedi Yoda said in “Star Wars,”

“Do it, there is no try.”

So here’s the link to my post at Blog Engage. You could be a good Samaritan and help me win this contest by voting for my Blog Engage post, or by retweeting and liking my guest post at Facebook. Thank you in advance.

How I Earned $1700 in One Day: Tips for Newbie Bloggers

The contest would not be possible without these great sponsors:

The Current Best of the Guest Blogger Sponsors

Blog Engage RSS and Marketing Services


Guest Blog It

Aidy Reviews

SEO Workers Industry News on News on Facebook

Paint Trockle with Author Holly Jahangiri

Bit Doze

The Coupon Scoop – Online Coupons Codes

Rainbow Vacuum Specialists

SEO Workers Industry News on Google Plus

So, what are you waiting for? Join me in this thrilling blogging contest.


  1. Namaste Jena,

    So finally you cleared your mind and decided where you have to put this post. hehe…

    I am wishing you good luck for the contest. You sound like a REAL tough competitor. 🙂

    • Hey, Abhi,

      As I’ve told you earlier. My readers rarely comment on my post. and I’m happy about it, as long as they keep coming. How I wish I would strike that luck of earning that much once again.. but it was not in this blog…Lol..Holly knows about it. That was why I posted it here because it’s my site with the most visitors for now. But they rarely comment. Thanks for dropping by.

  2. I wish you great luck on your prospect in the contest. I don’t think I’ve ever entered an online contest; at least I can’t think of one. But I know some folks who have won prizes in contests so maybe I’ll know another one. 🙂

  3. Like you, but perhaps for different reasons, I have only entered only two contest so far and fortunately the outcome was good. One one and arrived at 5th on another. It was fun though…

    Anyway, Good luck Jena. Wish you all the best

    • Hello Justin,

      Thanks for the encouragement. You’re an expert with this. If I could I would write full time. Hope to see your vote too at Blog…if you think I deserve your vote. Take care.

    • Hello Guppu Boss,

      I’m glad you were able to come here. Thanks for sharing my post. I have 13 blogs, by the…so many, I can’t attend to them all. I hope I’ll win. Regards.

  4. Great to see you and Abhi are both entering the contest 🙂 Wish you the best too, Jean. I haven’t took part in any blogging contests yet, maybe someday. Too many things on my plate now I just need to sort a few things out first. Plus, I prefer to be a supporter for both of ya!

    • Hello Ching Ya,

      Yes, we’re both there, I would be okay if anyone of us would win, but if we both win then, that would be wonderful. I rarely visit your site now too. Hope to do eventually.

  5. Hello Jena!

    The contest is always fun! Is this your first contest? It sure must be exciting?

    Don’t worry, we are all here to support you and make sure you win! 🙂

  6. Hi Mam Jena,

    Wow you can really earn that much by just blogging? It really is amazing. I’m glad you had a change of heart about joining these contests. Who knows, you might win bigger prizes in the next contests.

    You really are hitting two birds at the same time. Exposure and Enjoyment and at the same time, income. Well, what more can I say, we are all here to support you because your blog is definitely AMAZING. God Bless and Goodluck!

    • Hello Web,

      I did only once. A fluke perhaps, I hope I can again. Some people earn much more than that. I hope I’ll win this contest though. Thank you for your endless support. You can monetize your blog too, if you want. I’ll help you.

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  1. How I Earned $1,700 Online for One Day, Tips for Newbie Bloggers | Blog Engage

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