“Barack Obama” trends on Twitter on Saturday, November 3, as Netizens replied to the statement:
“Why I am voting for Barack Obama.”
A post written by Sally Kohn for Fox News explained why she would vote for Barack Obama.
On Twitter, TweeterPeeps expressed their opinions.
Below are some replies and links to articles, tweeted by people from all over the world, who believe Obama deserves to get re-elected for another 4 years:
Peter Pink @ideas4thefuture
“Why I believe America and the world still need Barack Obama | Jesse Jackson
❥lili @xlilikax
“I wish I could’ve voted for @BarackObama but I live in the uk :/”
Jonatan Vieira @jowredlabel
“@BarackObama let’s go man! Brazil believes in you!”
“Why I believe America and the world still need Barack Obama, by Jesse Jackson (@RevJJackson)
Muhammad Admiral @admiiraall
“I vote @BarackObama for the next president of USA.”
shaun bridge @shaunbridge
“If I could I would vote @BarackObama because I would choose to live in a safe world!”
Dustin M Martin @DhustynZero
“Why I am voting for Barack Obama | Fox News via @fxnopinion“
It is still three days to the U.S. presidential elections on November 6, but the “election atmosphere” continues to penetrate the global community.
Who would win the U.S. presidential elections? Majority of Presidential Polls reflect Obama leading by a small percentage.
While the U.S. copes with Hurricane Sandy’s devastation, and its incoming presidential elections. The whole world waits, with bated breath, who the next American president would be.
It will be interesting to see how it all comes out. Who ever wins has a daunting taste and one the is near impossible for even the most experienced politician. One thing is for sure and to remember; no election is ever won on the polls.
Hi Susan,
Indeed, I’m curious too, even if I can’t vote. 😀