Spencer Lloyd made the cut to the Top 10 Boys, or the Top 20 American Idol contestants, while 5 boys were sent home.
Spencer tweeted from his Official Twitter account:
Spencer Lloyd @SpencerLloyd 2m
“So I’m officially in the TOP 20!!!!!! But to make the Top 13 I need your help!!!!!! Make sure to vote #10!! Love you guys so much! #ThaiFam”
Spencer Lloyd also expressed his gratitude during a TV interview, saying that he was thankful of everyone who continues to support him, including his fellow church members. He is a youth leader and a worship song leader of his church.
He stated that his audition song Colton Dixon’s “Never Gone” indicates who he is and his genre of music.
Spencer Lloyd’s Twitter account has staggering 22.5K followers after only a few weeks, an unprecedented feat for an American Idol contestant, who has still to compete for the Top 13. America has started to notice the talented, humble and dashing young man.
He is predicted to win it all. Would he win American Idol? He could very well succeed.
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