Rose Fostanes, a Pinay caregiver, has moved forward to Top 16 contestants during Judges’ House on X Factor Israel, with Tina Turner’s “Simply the Best”. Rose works and lives in Tel Aviv, Israel, and has joined the competition so that she could help more her family back home in the Philippines.
According to Rose Fostanes, she would be representing the Philippines if she would be able to make the cut to the X Factor Live shows.

Although, Rose says she lacks self-confidence, all her performances were well-applauded by the four judges: Rami Fortis, Moshe Peretz, Shiri Maimon, Ivri Lider and the audience.
Hopefully, she would be able to proceed to the Live Shows, and perhaps, even, to the X Factor Israel Grand Finals.
Watch Rose Fostanes awesome performance of Tina Turner’s “Simply the Best.”