Modesto Taran
Image Credit: xfactorPH
MANILA, Philippines – Modesto Taran earns the only standing ovation on X Factor Philippines performance night, this Saturday, August 11, 2012. The theme for the week was any song that has the word “buhay” or “life” in their lyrics.
Modesto Taran’s song, “Habang May Buhay”, was arranged by Homer Flores. Modesto’s voice was perfect for the strong vocals needed by the song.
Some viewers on social sites commented that they got goose bumps hearing him sing. Some say he serves as an inspiration not only to older persons in achieving their dreams, but also for younger people.
All of the Top 11 contestants were lauded by the X Factor Philippines judges, saying that they had all leveled up. Are they afraid to give constructive criticism? Perhaps, off camera?
Voting lines are now open for X Factor Philippines, and will end tomorrow evening to determine who would be eliminated.