A Prayer for the Philippine Government, re: Haiyan Survivors

Lord, we come before You with bended knees to pray for the Philippine government.

We thank you for all previous blessings.

Again, may we ask for your for divine mercy, blessings and guidance.

We are willing to do our part us Filipino citizens, but please help and enlighten the people in government who lead this country.

Please let them see that the lives of those whom they have sworn to serve are more important than their self-esteem and international image.

May you make them realize that being humble by accepting responsibility and one’s own weaknesses and faults are actually signs of strength and nobility.

May you enlighten their minds so that they would learn from your examples that vengeance is not good, that there are no political parties when it comes to generosity and love.

May you send the Holy Spirit to all those in government so that they would realize their nakedness and, at least, feel ashamed of the errors of their ways.

We, also, raise up to you our brothers and sisters who survived typhoon Haiyan. May you continue providing them strength and courage in the face of hunger, pain and sorrow.

Please allow the spirit of empathy, goodness and Christianity enter each government official’s heart that they may realize that these people need care and concern, and not apathy.

All these we ask through your son, Jesus Christ, amen.


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