There is definitive proof that social media have affected the way people communicate now with each other.
According to a research entitled “The Effect of Social Networking Sites to the Lifestyles of Teachers and Students in Higher Educational Institutions” led by Seguya Asad of the Islamic University of Technology, there are several effects of social media on the lifestyle of students and teachers.

Interpersonal communication is encouraged by social media
In the above-mentioned study, students formulated groups so that they could communicate with each other. Teachers communicated also with the students and teachers from other universities. Apparently, in this set-up, interpersonal communication is encouraged because teachers and students could communicate easily with each other conveniently and more promptly.
In addition, New York University has encouraged teachers to incorporate social media into their courses as well because, according to them, students could then communicate even beyond the class period.
This would encourage students, who are usually shy, to speak in class, another venue in which they could communicate and interact with other students and teachers in a less intimidating and more informal manner. The same is true with most people; social media provide a means for them to communicate freely and more quickly.
Social media promotes friendship and interaction
These interactions could develop into friendships and more interpersonal relationships. Facebook sharing, emails, and Twitter messages facilitate communication and make it easier to open up with other people. Web chats, PMs, and private tweets make it quicker to interact with each other and develop friendships.
The cam to cam conversations could also allow an interpersonal communication that is safe and secure because both of the participants could withdraw safely when he or she starts to feel uncomfortable or threatened.
Social media provide no time to develop deep relationships
On the other hand, another media user, Barbara Elaine of Examiner, expressed her concern that social media may not provide sufficient time for her to develop deep relationships with every person she adds to her social media account.
Interpersonal communication, however, is still facilitated in this case, because with just a touch of a keypad, one could reach out to people anytime and anywhere. The solution to Elaine’s concern is to get to know the person better for a longer period of time.
There are more advantages than disadvantages of social media in interpersonal communication. They facilitate, enhance and enrich interaction with their various interactive applications available online. They also provide easier communication among people anywhere in the world.