American Idol 2012 Top 10 Finalists are busy rehearsing for their LIVE tour. After rehearsals, they connect with fans through online social media. Jessica Sanchez took advantage of her free time to invite the Blujays for a Ustream.

Top 10 Finalists, AI 2012
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The idol finalists rehearse and try to get connected to their fans via Twitter and Facebook. Twitter makes it easier for them to “talk” to their fans, and Jessica is taking advantage of what little time she can spare after rehearsals.
Hollie Cavanagh had a Twitter party too recently, with fans asking her all the questions they could never have asked, if this amazing online site was not available.
American Idol Top 7, Colton Dixon tweeted about their rehearsals:
“Running through the show today just vocals. Seriously, so impressed! These songs ain’t easy and they sound killer!”
“@EVanPeltAI11 is killing at rehearsal right now! #shegotavoice !!!”
Erika Van Pelt also tweeted about the American Idol rehearsals:
“@CDixonAI11: @EVanPeltAI11 is killing at rehearsal right now! #shegotavoice !!!” Thanks Colton 🙂 luv ya!”
Joshua Ledet tweeted that he was going to universal studios in LA with Jessica and DeAndre. Jessica Sanchez and DeAndre Brackensick visited also Disneyland the previous days.
It can be noted that when Jessica was asked who was her closest friend among the AI 2012 finalists, she disclosed that it was DeAndre.