It’s Christmas once again, and we want to thank you Lord
for you generous love and for all the blessings you have given us.
In gratitude, we kneel before you with joyful hearts.
We know that even if we don’t ask for it, you’ll provide us what we need.
But, may we pray that you bless each and every one present here today,
and all the people who are in need of your love and divine guidance.
May we enjoy and spread your love to one another in this event, and may we bring these love and joy to our families as we leave for home.
May there be peace on earth also and fellowship of all mankind.
May people unite in your name and live with the wisdom of your words.
And may people remember more that Christmas is your birthday and Your celebration.
That even without gifts and presents, your presence alone in the hearts of men is enough.
We ask all these in Jesus’ mighty name.